Infinite Insights

avtor: Infinite Analytics India Pvt Limited

AI powered marketing platform to efficiently acquire customers at scale.

Infinite Insights provides audience insights using world knowledge to model best customers for your product, and then uses these audiences in marketing campaigns to acquire customers at scale, optimizes these campaigns to reduce the cost of acquisition

  1. Acquire customers at Scale: Our technology helps marketeers to run marketing campaigns effectively and efficiently to acquire a large number of customers without increasing the cost of customer acquisition. This is a critical feature as it helps marketeers to deploy this technology at scale.

  2. Plan your campaigns: This phase of the marketing campaigns deals with looking at campaign goals of the marketeer (brand awareness, app installs, leads or customers), budget and duration of the marketing campaign to identify which marketing platforms should be used to run the campaigns and what kind of metrics can be achieved. 

  1. Identify your perfect audience: This phase of the campaign deals with looking at the product or content being marketed, analyzing the data to identify type of audience who are most likely going to have affinities to the given product or service. Our platform identifies predictors of fandom to expand the universe of customers to potential customers. All of this is done without using any personally identifiable information.

  1. Execute Campaigns on Digital Marketing Platforms: The predictors of fandom are then segregated into number of testing groups to create multiple ad-sets to test the performance of each of the audience groups. 

  1. Optimize campaigns for best ROI: Our platform continuously monitors the campaign and provides this visibility to the marketing team. In addition, it segments the users who responding to the ads in multiple segments across multiple demographic and psychographic segments, and recommends actions in order to improve the overall performance of the campaign

  1. Engage and Retain customers with Recommendations and Search: Our platform is able to match users with the products by recommending products most relevant to the context of the user. Our search engine improves engagement from the user by understanding the terms used in the search query within the user context and generating most relevant search results.

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