Power Translate
avtor: Sagra Technology
An indispensable tool that will help you translate display elements placed in the Power BI reports
This free version of Power Translate has been terminated. You can now use paid version of Power Translate - .PBIX Translator here
Power Translate — an indispensable tool that will help you translate display elements inside reports created with Power BI Desktop.
This tool automatically discovers, translates titles, headers, name of measures and labels and generate the new, translated .pbix file.
Display elements are not translated automatically in Power BI. Users usually find this process time-consuming and tedious and it is easy to miss something.
Automating this process by using the Power Translate tool will reduce the translation time as well as the risk of mistranslating anything, and consequently, it will increase your work comfort.
It is very easy to use Power Translate. The app provides two types of translations — automatic and manual. The biggest advantage of automatic translation is its instant completion, while the manual translation option, thanks to the possibility of changing the translated phrases, allows you to obtain the best quality translations.
Only display elements on the report are translated, such as:
• tiles,
• headers,
• names of measures and columns used in the creation of the visualization,
• names of buttons,
• tooltips,
• explanations for the visualization,
• names of sites,
• visualizations in the form of text boxes.
The following elements are not translated: data, measures, calculation columns, graphic elements.
If the title of the visualization is a dynamic title, it will not be translated. This is because the text is taken from the specified measures and the tool does not translate the data. Likewise, no text fields will be translated where the text comes from measures.
All default PowerBI visualizations from version 2.83.5894.961 64-bit (July 2020) and about 100 custom visualizations are subject to translation.
This application does not save any data or exported phrases from reports anywhere.
Contact Us: support@power-translate.com