Shufflrr Slide Library for PowerPoint
avtor: Shufflrr, LLC
Slide Library for PowerPoint and Azure
Presentation Management
Smarter, faster, compliant presentations for your enterprise
Add more power to your presentations with Shufflrr, the presentation management platform that empowers anyone in your organization to create the perfect presentation, every time.
What is Shufflrr Slide Library and how can it help you?
In Shufflrr, you see all of the slides without opening PowerPoint. It’s a published slide library with fast access to PowerPoint slides, videos, images, PDFs and other file types that you use on day-to-day basis. It is hosted on Azure together with a complimentary Shufflrr for Windows PowerPoint plugin
Assemble beautiful, branded presentations in minutes.
- Find and re-use slides easily, without copying and pasting
- Apply brand guidelines in seconds
- Slide library is always up-to-date. Slide updating keeps every slide current
- Presentation compliance. Know who says what to whom, in every presentation throughout your organization
- Reporting and metrics to understand what your best performing slides, files and people are up to
- Slide Genealogy(patent pending) is visual map that shows you where slides were used and re-used. It looks like a family tree of slides, from the original parent slide (first version) to all the children slides (copies that are used in other PowerPoints.)
Presentation Library that has everything for you, and you just pick it out.
PowerPoint, Word, PDF, Images, Videos, are all searchable with preview in 4 sizes. Ready to presentation. Choose your slide and add it to your presentation.
Slide Updating and Version Control
Never again say, “That slide is old! Where did that come from?”
Shufflrr’s centralized slide updating pushes out revised slides to all PowerPoint files where it was previously used.
Brand Central
Apply your brand with one click. Manage background templates, fonts and colors from one central location.
Shufflrr searches PowerPoint, Word, PDF, even Excel, are all indexed when uploaded. You can find a file by name, tag, title, content, speaker notes and other text within the file. It’s all searchable. And results are visual slides – so you can quickly preview, add it to the presentation you are working on, or move on to the next slide.
Connect with SharePoint, OneDrive, DropBox, GoogleDocs, and SalesForce. View files, in slide format, where you can browse, search, preview, and add it to your new presentation.
Slide Library right from PowerPoint
You never have to leave PowerPoint to get access to you Shufflrr slide library. Install the free Shufflrr for Windows PowerPoint plugin and manage your presentations, find slides, make edits, publish and update your library for the rest of your team – right from PowerPoint.
Get Shufflrr for Windows PowerPoint Plugin
What customers say
"We were re-inventing the wheel every time. With Shufflrr we went from five hours to five minutes in the time it takes to create a presentation" US Bank
"They used to spend 4 hours downloading decks and trying to recreate them. With Shufflrr they spend about 10 minutes" ADP
"Our presentations don’t die, they evolve" HealthTrust