
av Weeve, LLC

AI colleague that has organic conversations with employees to understand their issues and needs.

Empower your people leaders to build engaged teams.


Weeve is an employee feedback platform that enables people leaders to effortlessly build happy and high-performing teams. Employees love chatting with Kim - your new empathetic AI colleague. Kim has organic conversations with employees to understand their issues and needs. With the anonymity of a survey and the empathy of a face-to-face interaction, Weeve provides managers with the uniquely actionable advice needed to take their teams to the next level.


How it works


Once an organization has successfully subscribed and integrated with Weeve, employees can chat with Kim. People leaders are provided access to the Weeve dashboard where they can create conversations using one of over fifty feedback use cases (i.e. work-life balance, workspace, etc.) or they can create their own custom conversation.


Once a conversation is triggered, Kim reaches out to employees and asks them the questions related to the given topic. As employees give their feedback, Kim intelligently understands how the employees are feeling and empathetically responds to them. This data is then anonymously shared so people leaders can understand their organizational / team pain points and quickly take action on them.


With Weeve, leaders can also seamlessly engage employees and crowdsource suggestions on how to improve these pain points. Once a pain point is identified, leaders can trigger this suggestion conversation via Kim. Kim will reach out to employees, gather their suggestions, and check in on a set cadence to make sure the issue has improved.


Key Benefits

  • Surveys on Steroids - Real employee thoughts surface only in conversation. Weeve empowers your people leaders to have empathetic conversation with their entire workforce.
  • Effortlessly Improvement - Analytics ≠ Improvement. Dumping data on busy managers is overwhelming and counterproductive. Weeve gives team leads a clearly defined and automated Path to Improvement.
  • An Experience that Managers AND Employees Love - Kim’s surprising combination of anonymity + empathy creates the perfect space for actionable feedback. Ultimately, Weeve sees 2.5x higher response rates and 18x faster issue-to-action timelines than a survey.

In order to use this integration, your organization must be subscribed to Weeve. Visit our website to get started with a free trial:


När den här appen används
  • Skicka data via Internet
  • Den här appen har åtkomst till personlig information för det aktiva meddelandet, t.ex. telefonnummer, postadresser eller webbadresser. Appen kan skicka dessa data till en tjänst från tredje part. Den kan inte läsa eller ändra andra objekt i din inkorg.

En snabbtitt