Wired2Perform for Outlook

av Wired2Perform LLC

Use Wired2Perform® to integrate Behavioral Smart™ Tools with Outlook

Wired2Perform® Insights allow you to see another’s behavioral profile and communication style helping you have more productive conversations and overcome potential misunderstandings.

Key Features :

1. Discover the unique behavioral styles of your Wired2Perform® contacts

2. Discover the unique behavioral factors of your Wired2Perform® contacts

3. Find the most dominant and 2nd most dominant attributes of your Wired2Perform® contacts by their :

• Behavior - the behavior style

• Communication - the communication style

• Factor - the behavior factor

• Design - the design of the content that you should consider when you communicate with them

• Information - the information requires that you should consider when you communicate with them

• Length - the length of the content that you should consider when you communicate with them

4. Find the behavior attributes, behavior talents, and behavior roles of each of your Wired2Perform® contacts

5. View the Wired2Perform® profiles of your contacts

6. Show the contacts list with their behavioral styles and two behavioral factors

7. Invite your new contacts to register In Wired2Perform®


När den här appen används
  • Skicka data via Internet
  • Den här appen har åtkomst till personlig information för det aktiva meddelandet, t.ex. avsändarens namn, mottagarnas namn, e-postadresser, brödtext och bifogad information. Appen kan skicka dessa data till en tjänst från tredje part. Den kan inte läsa eller ändra andra objekt i din inkorg.

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