Glickon Challenge

av Glickon Srl

Pick from the challenges created for your team.

Run Glickon challenges directly within Microsoft Teams.

With Glickon Challenge for Microsoft Teams you will be able to select and submit Glickon challenges for your organization directly in Microsoft Teams. Pick from the challenges created for your team and make them accessible to recipients, all in a single environment. Plus, being all within Microsoft Teams, you can send a message to your entire team at the same time. Available for clients of the Glickon Employee Experience solution. For more information, write an email to


När den här appen används
  • Skicka data via Internet
  • Den här appen har åtkomst till personlig information för det aktiva meddelandet, t.ex. telefonnummer, postadresser eller webbadresser. Appen kan skicka dessa data till en tjänst från tredje part. Den kan inte läsa eller ändra andra objekt i din inkorg.

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