Egnyte for Outlook

av Egnyte, Inc.

(969 omdömen)

Use Egnyte from installed Outlook on your PC.

Easily share Egnyte files into your Outlook emails or save attachments and emails from incoming Outlook emails directly into an Egnyte folder, all without leaving your inbox.

With Egnyte, all your content is in one place, meaning you don’t have to keep searching for your files. Save files, and emails to a shared folder and they are automatically accessible to your co-workers, vendors or partners. Links are more secure, require no time to upload and save space in your inbox and sent messages folders. This is only available to Egnyte users.


När den här appen används
  • Skicka data via Internet
  • Den här appen har åtkomst till personlig information för det aktiva meddelandet, t.ex. brödtext, avsändare, mottagare och bifogad information. Den kan skicka dessa data till en tjänst från tredje part. Den kan inte läsa eller ändra andra objekt i din inkorg.

En snabbtitt