
av AgreeYa Solutions Inc.

Aggregate data from multiple lists and SharePoint sites and view it as consolidated Calendar

QuickApps qCalendarView is a unique app that brings together multiple calendars, holidays, events, Outlook events of current user, and even task lists in one view that includes data from non-calendar lists as well. The app enables you to easily drag-and-drop events as per the required slot, delete the events, or do any kind of edits as per your requirements. It assists in managing the events, rolling up multiple calendars, and doing several configurations. Thus, it helps in reducing time consumption and increasing efficiency. It has an intuitive interface and the events are color-coded according to the list and column values. Thus, making it easy for the users to identify the type and source of each event or data stored in SharePoint.

Use Cases:

• Can be used by Managers to identify the type of events such as induction, meetings, interviews, break, etc. in different color codes.

• Can be used by HR to identify the type of events such as induction, meetings, new employee onboarding, interviews, break, etc. in different color codes.

• Can be used by Users to identify the type of events such as training sessions, activities, celebrations, meetings, break, etc. in different color codes.


• Maximum response time for Severity Level 1 issues

• Technical support coverage

• Access to online forums, documents, videos, and knowledge base

• Online service request management

• Basic how-to and troubleshooting assistance

• Latest software/firmware upgrades

• Phone support

• Email support

The solution package contains SPFx webpart component.

The solution has to be added manually to any new site as it will not deploy to the complete tenant.

For detailed installation and configuration details, please download and read Quick Start Guide at

This free evaluation version will work for 30 days. Please contact QuickApps Sales Team ( for any query related to enterprise and bundle licenses.

Supported Browsers : Edge, Latest version of Chrome, Firefox

Supported SharePoint version: SharePoint Online

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