Customer Journey

av Bismart

Analyze the customer experience in relation to the brand through different channels.

At Bismart we have created a model based on Customer Journey that analyzes data from the purchase funnel by stages, customer satisfaction levels, pain points and other key metrics for customer management and improvement of their experience.

Key ideas:

Improves the customer experience and therefore our business cycle and value delivery
From the very moment it is launched, it forces the organization to think about the customer
Re-orders the organization's procedures and stresses the silos. 
It forces the company to work for a cause that is greater than the departmental one. 
Transforms.Optimizes the work of the organization and eliminates inefficient work
Helps identify business opportunities from the omnichannel gaze to the omniexperience gaze
It trains the organization to work with data that must be updated and therefore pushes the organization towards making decisions based on data

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