Cepheo Vendor Quality Management

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Prioritize quality work based on vendor quality track-records and audit result

Cepheo Vendor Quality Management

To meet today’s growing demands for traceability and sustainability, you must continuously monitor and document the quality of the goods your vendors supply. But quality control and quality assurance processes are costly and time consuming. So being able to focus quality activities on specific vendors and products - based on vendor approval processes and audit results - will help you make best use of your resources and budget.

Control costs and mitigate risks with a vendor-specific quality approach

Monitoring and documenting the quality of the goods delivered by your vendors is critical to the success of your business and to the stability and value of your ongoing vendor relationships. Cepheo Vendor Quality Management extends the capabilities offered by Cepheo Quality and Sample Management and Cepheo Advanced Vendor Approval by introducing the concept of Quality Status. You can use the Quality Status level in conjunction with advanced quality approval routines to define the amount and type of quality work you perform when handling specific goods supplied from individual vendors.


  • Reduce the budget and resources you use on quality related activities
  • Mitigate risks by combining quality practices with vendor approval and audit frameworks
  • Meet customer demand for quality, traceability and transparency
  • Build long-term, productive partner relationships
  • Make more accurate forecasts of your quality resource needs and costs
  • Enable simpler, more flexible quality processes for warehouse staff


  • Extends the capabilities offered in DXC Quality and Sample Management and DXC Advanced Vendor Approval
  • Definition of Quality Status based on partner audit results
  • Inheritance of Quality Status information on purchase order lines related to Advanced Vendor Approval records
  • Inclusion of Quality Status information in sample data for goods related to an Advanced Vendor Approval records
  • Ad-hoc assignment of Quality Status to inbound and inventory-goods via hand-held devices
