Metro Tiles

โดย Beyond Technologies

(29 คะแนน)

Create live tiles and add them to your SharePoint

This Metro Tiles add-in by Beyond Key has the capability to

1. Create attractive tiles in the add-in and add them on your page through the web part.

2. Create various groups of tiles for different pages or sections on a page

3. Store all the configurations of the tiles in a SharePoint list.

4. Create a navigation menu and link them to your favorite sites

5. Best suited for landing pages of your sites

6. Create different layouts using various sized tiles

7. Can be used to display different dashboard using the options available in the Tiles.

8. Set space between tiles.

Note: this add-in does not work on IE 9 or below.

Recommended browsers : Firefox, IE 10 and above


Themes and color Schemes are all customizable as per the UI and the Site. Please contact us through the links provided in the Add-in.


We offer 1 hour of FREE support for configuring and troubleshooting. Feel Free to contact us in the support email ids.

This add-in is free up to few Metro Tiles and you may need to go for In-App Purchase to continue using this add-in.

Contact us for any customization or request for demo on the link below:
