FreshBooks for Outlook
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FreshBooks Invoicing Add-on is the fastest & easiest way to invoice your clients right from Outlook
With the FreshBooks Outlook add-on, you can invoice your clients without having to switch back and forth between Outlook and FreshBooks. You can easily create, draft, and send professional invoices directly from Outlook at no additional cost.
Hereâs what it helps you do:
- Create new clients and send them Invoices from within Outlook
- Send Invoices to existing Clients
- Add Taxes to your Invoices in percentages or a flat rate
- View Overdue, Sent, Outstanding, and Paid Amounts from Clients
- Create Line Items, Terms, and Conditions, and sync them with those on the FreshBooks Dashboard
Steps to get started
- Click on âGet add-onsâ on the Outlook App (Web or Desktop)
- Search for the FreshBooks add-on
- Click on Add
- Accept the Terms and Conditions by clicking on âContinueâ
- Wait for Installation to complete
- Once installation is complete, go to any email and click on the âMore Actionsâ ellipsis
- Choose FreshBooks and voila!
You can purchase a subscription for FreshBooks @
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