empower finance.

โดย saglobal

A future proof analytics on Microsoft technology enriched with’s IP.

empower finance. A subscription-based model that provides analysis of key financial measures and balance sheet accounts. Global view of data from multiple entities in multiple currencies Visual representation of revenue & expenditure, with the ability to drill down for details, global AR and AP balances etc., Easy to create dashboards and visualizations for effortless consumption by the management team Ability to view key P&L checkpoints graphically, displayed by period and with an option for consolidation Turn data into insights to review the past, manage the present and drive the future. Single, secure source of data giving limitless, advanced insights and intelligence empower finance insights’ ability to acquire data from the entire organization hierarchy, provides accurate and intelligent financial insights that help drive decision making. This helps companies face the evolving and shifting needs of business, be prepared for the current and anticipated business challenges and respond effectively by making changes in their financial strategies to grow their business.
