
โดย GVAM Guías Interactivas S.L.

CMS for publication of museum guide applications

We have developed our own CMS Content Management System, named Ventour. This important tool is present in all our projects. Its based in non proprietary technology or frameworks: PHP 5, Javascript and MySQL on the Back End Side. There is an hybrid app skeleton (native + HTML5) that interacts with Ventour, third party services and supports all the UI personalization with Angular – Ionic 2 (Cordova). CMS Ventour is accesible online, this feature enables the management of the content generated within the visit guide, thus, inserting new contents (descriptions, animations, interviews, etc.), inserting new objects, designing themed routes, planning activities, content modifications as well as languages and accessibility features amongst other functionalities. To demonstrate GVAM’s competence in managing associated deliveries related to digital content, infrastructure and equipment we would like to draw attention to projects at 4a section.
