
yayıncı: IBODigital 2 GmbH

Productive and standardized collaboration through digital templates

Enhance Microsoft Teams with adaptable features for powerful work and knowledge management

trustkey is a versatile template system that facilitates, accelerates and optimizes the online collaboration of distributed teams.

With trustkey all teams can organize, standardize and digitize their processes, routines and information sharing.

trustkey helps dynamic and agile teams build more together in a focused, efficient and professional manner, independent of location.

trustkey enables the use of information management software tailored to the needs of the team and the organization via modular templates with comprehensive collaboration functions, automations, reports and analytics, as well as integration. Customizable at any time with one click.

In the trustkey Microsoft teams app you can:

- Work collaboratively on existing action packs

- Use focus view to avoid any distractions and other notifications

- Launch published templates and assign them to groups or individually

- Reopen completed action packs to rework in case of any issues

trustkey is the key to trustworthy processes. It helps to standardize the existing processes & templates.

Mordenizes the way to collaborate & share documents both internally and externally.

trustkey helps our customers to save time, increase quality, reduce risks and seize opportunities. We further drive these goals with our user-centric product roadmap.

We support our customers through process consulting, implementation, support and continuous updates.

Get started and set up your company's workspace in trustkey right away and start your free trial [here](

Uygulama özellikleri

Bu uygulama kullanıldığında
  • İnternet üzerinden veri gönderebilir
  • Bu uygulama, etkin iletide telefon numaraları, posta adresleri veya URL'ler gibi kişisel bilgilere erişebilir. Uygulama, bu verileri bir üçüncü taraf hizmetine gönderebilir. Posta kutunuzdaki diğer öğeler okunamaz veya değiştirilemez.

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