Clerk SMS

yayıncı: Clerk Chat

(648 derecelendirmeler)

Send and receive text messages (SMS / MMS) and WhatsApp in Microsoft Teams

Instantly enable SMS , MMS, WhatsApp on your existing Microsoft Teams phone number. Send text messages, confirm appointments, ask for reviews, offer promotions, the possibilities are endless.


- Send and receive SMS / MMS with your existing Microsoft Teams phone numbers

- Sync your contacts from Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Dynamics, Salesforce

- Works with Microsoft Teams Calling Plan, Operator Connect, Direct Routing

- Enable WhatsApp on your existing phone numbers

- VoIP & Non-VoIP phone numbers for SMS verification

- Setup Automation Workflows and tap into Clerk API

- Export your data for e-discovery to Purview, Global Relay, Smarsh

Text us at (888) 572-5375 to get your first month free on an annual plan!

Uygulama özellikleri

Bu uygulama kullanıldığında
  • İnternet üzerinden veri gönderebilir
  • Bu uygulama, etkin iletide telefon numaraları, posta adresleri veya URL'ler gibi kişisel bilgilere erişebilir. Uygulama, bu verileri bir üçüncü taraf hizmetine gönderebilir. Posta kutunuzdaki diğer öğeler okunamaz veya değiştirilemez.

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