STP Viewer

yayıncı: EcoLink Technology Co., Ltd.

(2 derecelendirmeler)

View and deconstruct STP file without opening 3D model design software.

STP is a popular file format used to store and transfer 3D and 2D geometry models, parts, and design data. It is a widely-used file format, supported by popular computer-aided manufacturing and computer-aided design software. STP files offer high fidelity and interoperability, potentially easing design workflows. Usually a 3D model design software is needed for viewing. With our STP Viewer, you can view STP file directly in Microsoft Teams. Useful for manufacturing design and communication in company.

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  • İnternet üzerinden veri gönderebilir
  • Bu uygulama, etkin iletide telefon numaraları, posta adresleri veya URL'ler gibi kişisel bilgilere erişebilir. Uygulama, bu verileri bir üçüncü taraf hizmetine gönderebilir. Posta kutunuzdaki diğer öğeler okunamaz veya değiştirilemez.

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