
yayıncı: livepro Australia Pty LIMITED

(1 derecelendirmeler)

Knowledge collaboration made simple with livepro’s integration in Microsoft Teams

With the new livepro integration in Microsoft Teams, users can now experience the benefits of premium knowledge management without the hassle of switching screens.

This integration makes collaboration even easier and ensures everyone has the right answers and latest information all in one place.

Users will enjoy a streamlined workflow by searching and sharing answers with their colleagues, receiving their livepro Announcements and interacting with the livepro Bot all within Teams.

In order to use this app you need to have an active account with livepro.

If you are not already a livepro customer, book in a discovery call to see how your organization could benefit from premium contact center knowledge management at

Uygulama özellikleri

Bu uygulama kullanıldığında
  • İnternet üzerinden veri gönderebilir
  • Bu uygulama, etkin iletide telefon numaraları, posta adresleri veya URL'ler gibi kişisel bilgilere erişebilir. Uygulama, bu verileri bir üçüncü taraf hizmetine gönderebilir. Posta kutunuzdaki diğer öğeler okunamaz veya değiştirilemez.

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