ORDAT 365sam

Видавець: Ordat Gesellschaft für Organisation und Datenverarbeitung mbH & Co. KG

Fully integrated sanctions list check through our ORDAT 365sam Interface to Format Software Service

Why do sanctions lists exist at all?
A Sanctions list is an official list of persons or organisations against whom legal or economic restrictions have been imposed.
They are used to support Sanctions or embargoes for the purpose of, among other things, combating for example terrorism
Are there different sanction lists?
A sanctions or embargo list is an official list of individuals, organisations, companies and even entire states to which no funding or economic resources may be made available.
In addition to the basic UN sanctions list, there are EU lists as well as sanctions lists from Germany, Great Britain, Switzerland, Japan or the USA, which impose sanctions against specific financial, energy or trade sectors, and many more.
Do I have to do this as a company?
Through the EU Counter-Terrorism Regulations (EU) No. 881/2002 and 2580/2001, all
companies, irrespective of their form and size, are obliged to carry out complex checks in order to
conduct business in conformity with the law. Even if your company does not conduct international business,
you must regularly check whether your business partners, customers, suppliers and employees are on any
are on a sanctions list and record the screening in an audit trail.
Who do I have to check?
Employees, customers and suppliers.

ORDAT 365sam help me with this?
Without ORDAT 365sam, for example, a member of staff or possibly even every member of staff who deals with addresses such as
customer addresses, must manually check them against the sanctions lists. This is a huge effort,
especially if, for example, the orders come in via the Internet.
ORDAT 365sam automates this and thus reduces the effort and also the sources of error.
ORDAT 365sam is a interface to the Format Software Service GmbH SAM.
With ORDAT 365sam you can take care of your daily business, we and our Partner take care of the "bad guys".
Fully automated.

This application is also available in German: (

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