mattero Outlook Add-in

Видавець: LawMaster PTY LTD

The mattero Outlook add-in seamlessly connects mattero with Microsoft Outlook 365

The mattero Outlook add-in streamlines the management of emails and attachments saving everything to the document folder associated to a matter or a contact in mattero.

The add-in is available from Outlook Add-ins and the user can pin the mattero panel in their Outlook Inbox. Initiating a new email directly from mattero will open the user’s Outlook email account where they can access the add-in to attach documents from mattero directly to the email.

However, emails can be initiated directly from Outlook as well and saved to a matter or contact in mattero via the add-in. Reply emails and their attachments can also be saved directly into mattero.

Attachments can be converted to PDF during the email attachment process. The mattero Outlook add-in ensures that all electronic communication is kept in the one central location within mattero, simplifying the management of storing and retrieving of emails, documents and files.

Lawyers looking to simplify their legal process and reduce repetitive administrative tasks will save time and increase efficiency by using the mattero Outlook add-in.

The mattero Outlook add-in requires a active trial or subscription to mattero to utilise its features and functionality, to find out more information or sign-up please visit

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  • надсилати дані через Інтернет
  • Ця програма може читати й змінювати вміст будь-якого елемента в поштовій скриньці та створювати нові елементи. Вона може отримувати доступ до персональних даних, таких як вміст, теми та вкладення, імена одержувачів і відправника, у будь-якому повідомленні або елементі календаря. Вона може надсилати ці дані сторонній службі.

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