TimeSheet Reporter OUA Light

Видавець: TimeSheet Reporter

(4 оцінки)

TimeSheet Reporter makes it possible to track time via your Microsoft Outlook Calendar appointments.

*** Time Tracking via Outlook ***

To create a time entry with TSR, you simply create an appointment as you normally would in Microsoft Outlook, and enter the information you normally would.

You then click on the TSR icon and choose the proper information, Organization, Project and Activity.

When you save the appointment, it will show up in reports, etc.

You can track your time with TimeSheet Reporter via Outlook for Windows, Outlook for Mac, and Outlook for web.

*** Supervisor Approval ***

You can optionally also submit the appointment for approval, which can then be approved by a supervisor.

*** Strong Reports ***

TSR also comes with strong reports, which allows you to know exactly how you and your team have spent your time, and also lets you share this data easily.

*** Rates, flextime and more ***

It also allows you to have hourly rates, share data with other systems, use it as a simply flextime solution, and much more.

There are other features in TSR, which you might find helpful. For more information on this, please visit our website.

*** Sign up ***

To use TSR please sign up for an account via our website and use these credentials when installing.

If you already have an account, use your TSR login details.

For pricing and plans, please see:

*** About TSR OUA Light ***

This is TimeSheet Reporter (TSR) OUA Light, and makes it possible to also use TSR when using Outlook for Mac and Outlook for Web.

The regular TSR Outlook User Agent works with the installed version of Outlook for Windows.

The TSR OUA Light is a supplement to this, so that users using for example Outlook for Mac and Outlook for Web can also benefit from TSR in Outlook.

OUA Light also works with Outlook for Windows, but in those cases we recommend using the regular OUA.

Please also see

When you create an appointment in Outlook, you simply click the TSR button, to select a proper organization, project and activity.

Можливості програми

Коли ця програма використовується, вона
  • надсилати дані через Інтернет
  • Ця програма може читати й змінювати вміст будь-якого елемента в поштовій скриньці та створювати нові елементи. Вона може отримувати доступ до персональних даних, таких як вміст, теми та вкладення, імена одержувачів і відправника, у будь-якому повідомленні або елементі календаря. Вона може надсилати ці дані сторонній службі.

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