Видавець: Coachello
High quality personalized professional 1:1 coaching
Coachello is a 1:1 coaching platform which you can use directly in Microsoft Teams.
A place for personal development through high quality professional coaching.
In Coachello, your employees can take an assessment, chat with an external coach, and book 1:1 coaching sessions with amazing ICF certified coaches directly into their calendar.
Coachello uses an algorithm to pair coaches with coachees, and at the conclusion of each session, your employees will have access to data-driven coaching reports in our application.
With Coachello, you can now build a coaching culture within your business on an international scale and at a cost that has never been possible before. At the conclusion of your program, we will provide you with data showing a clear ROI.
Are you available in my country?
We are based in Paris, France, but are available to all forward-thinking companies around the globe.
How does it work?
Our clients will grant permission to all or a selection of users within their organization. These users can use their single sign-on (SSO) to access the application and its functions. If a user doesn't need permission from its organization to download the application, they can do so, but can't book coaching sessions until Coachello has granted them credits.
Можливості програми
- надсилати дані через Інтернет
- Ця програма може отримувати доступ до персональних даних в активному повідомленні, наприклад номерів телефонів, поштових адрес або URL-адрес. Програма може надсилати ці дані сторонній службі. Вона не може читати або змінювати інші елементи у вашій поштовій скриньці.