
Видавець: Najtech LLC

(1 оцінки)

ChatGPTemail empowers users to compose and respond to emails professionally through ChatGPT.

ChatGPTeMail empowers users to compose and respond to emails professionally through ChatGPT.

Upon typing the email body, users can effortlessly enhance their message's language and tone by clicking the add-in icon.

The add-in seamlessly transforms the email while preserving the original message, allowing users to compare the before and after versions.

Embark on a transformative journey with ChatGPTeMail, where crafting impeccable emails is just a click away.

To unlock the full potential of this powerful tool, all you need is an OpenAI account linked to a credit card for

hassle-free token quota subscription.

Please note, OpenAI charges are billed separately based on usage, and fees are very affordable.

You can link a credit card and purchase tokens easily. Here is the link :

This dynamic pairing allows you to effortlessly refine your email language and tone, elevating your professional correspondence

to new heights with one click. With these essential credentials, you gain access to a seamless integration that not only enhances your

messages but also preserves the authenticity of your original content.

Don't miss the chance to wield the ultimate tool for impactful email communication.

Sign up, subscribe, and secure your API key now to experience the unparalleled ease and effectiveness of ChatGPTeMail.

Elevate your email game – start today!

Можливості програми

Коли ця програма використовується, вона
  • надсилати дані через Інтернет
  • Ця програма може отримувати доступ до персональних даних в активному повідомленні, зокрема таких як основний текст, тема, відправник, одержувачі, відомості про вкладення, та змінювати їх. Вона може надсилати ці дані сторонній службі. Вона не може читати або змінювати інші елементи у вашій поштовій скриньці.

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