Data Bridge Powered by Call Journey
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Imports voice data generated by the Call Journey VoiceAI service using AI and NLP
Data Bridge imports voice data generated by the Call Journey VoiceAI service into Power BI and displays it in reports that can be customized and extended.
VoiceAI automatically transcribes speech into text using Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning and augments this transcription with an extensive array of metrics including Customer Satisfaction scores (CSat), overtalk, silence on call, call dominance (who is speaking the most), timestamps for each word, and talking speed. The service can be configured to categorize calls and track key trends and topics.
The voice data can be used by Business Analysts and Data Scientists to gain insights and drive action across a wide range of business activities including Customer Experience, Marketing, Sales, Contract Center and Risk & Compliance.
Стислий огляд
Інші програми Call Journey
Call Journey Ci UncoverCall JourneyIdentify the top factors contributing to customer dissatisfaction and agent performance.
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
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Call Journey - Leader in Conversation Intelligence and AnalyticsCall JourneyConversation intelligence and analytics solution which connects directly with Microsoft
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Coherence Topics & TrendsCall JourneyCoherence organizes complex and unstructured data into topics & trends to produce true insights.
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
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