AI Readiness Assessment and Workshop for L&D and Coaching

Видавець: Bloom Consulting, Inc. dba MyExcelia

AI Readiness Assessment and Workshop for HR Learning and Development and Coaching Programs


The demand for developing essential leadership skills is greater than ever, yet many organizations need help to keep pace with the necessary investments in these areas. AI presents an opportunity to bridge this gap by augmenting talent development solutions like leadership development and coaching. However, to ensure a smooth adoption, it's crucial to demystify the myths and realities of AI. Our comprehensive AI Readiness Assessment and Workshop is designed to help HR professionals and coaches understand and prepare for integrating AI into their talent development initiatives.

Target Audience:

  • HR
  • Internal Coaches
  • Talent Development
  • Learning and Development Professionals


  • Evaluate your organization's readiness to implement AI-augmented talent and coaching development.
  • Provide a detailed assessment of current capabilities and areas for improvement.
  • Develop a customized blueprint for successfully adopting and implementing AI technologies in your programs.


  1. Introduction and Objectives (15 minutes)
    • Overview of the workshop and expected outcomes.
    • Introduction to AI in talent development and coaching.
  2. AI Readiness Assessment (30 minutes)
    • Conduct an in-depth assessment to determine current readiness.
    • Identify strengths and areas for improvement in existing programs.
  3. Blueprint Development (30 minutes)
    • Outline a strategic plan for adopting AI technologies.
    • Discuss best practices and case studies of successful implementations.
  4. Implementation Strategies (30 minutes)
    • Provide actionable steps for integrating AI into your programs.
    • Discuss potential challenges and solutions.
  5. Q&A and Next Steps (15 minutes)
    • Address any questions from participants.
    • Provide resources and recommendations for further action.


  • AI Readiness Assessment Report: Detailed analysis of your organization's current AI readiness.
  • Customized Blueprint: A strategic plan tailored to your specific needs for adopting AI in talent development and coaching.
  • Access to AI-Augmented Coaching Tools: Excelia's Conversation AI app in Teams and ROI Technology SaaS solution.
  • Actionable Steps: Clear and practical steps for implementing AI technologies in your programs.
  • Resources and Tools: A list of recommended resources and tools to support your AI adoption journey.

Participants should have a basic understanding of their current talent development and coaching programs.
No prior AI knowledge required.

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