Double Materiality Assessment

bởi Terra Reporting

(1 xếp loại)

Terra Reporting - Double Materiality Assessment Solution on Microsoft's Cloud for Sustainability

Terra Reporting's Double Materiality Assessment Solution (DMA) is a SaaS solution built on top of Microsoft's Cloud for Sustainability. It streamlines the double materiality assessment process for businesses within the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) scope, by digitizing the entire process and automating significant parts of it. 

The solution is designed for businesses that report their sustainability information according to the CSRD but can also be used by companies that report under other ESG frameworks. It combines AI for researching industry-specific material issues with qualitative and quantitative engagement methods to uncover the most material topics.

Terra Reporting’s Double Materiality Assessment Solution addresses the need for a faster, more accurate, and more objective double materiality assessment. It reduces the time and effort required for the assessment, enhances its quality, and facilitates the mandatory audit process. The solution also supports the assurance process afterward due to the improved traceability of the used data and documents.

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