NetDocuments (AU)

bởi NetDocuments Inc

Never Miss a Beat – Work better with your NetDocuments apps in Microsoft Teams

The NetDocuments Microsoft Teams integration allows you to access all your NetDocuments functions and workflows without leaving Microsoft Teams, while keeping your files secure and easily accessible in NetDocuments. 


  • Stay connected. Microsoft Teams is the collaboration platform of choice, so have the best of both worlds with the ability to chat and have meetings in Microsoft Teams, while also accessing and sharing secure files from NetDocuments.

  • Stay safe. No need to worry about files being spread across numerous locations within Microsoft Teams and who might access them. They’ll always remain within NetDocuments’ security protection while easily accessible in Microsoft Teams.

  • Stay synched. Soon you’ll be able to provision a Microsoft Teams channel from a NetDocuments workspace and sync files within Microsoft Teams to NetDocuments for a single, secure –– and easily accessible –– location for all your project or matter content.

Please note this integration requires a NetDocuments(AU) subscription that includes the NetDocuments PLAN solution. If needed, contact your account executive to purchase PLAN or NetDocuments Customer Support for assistance with setup in Microsoft Teams.

Need NetDocuments? Connect with us at +61 2 8310 4319. Current customers can contact your account executive to purchase ChatLink for Microsoft Teams or check out NetDocuments Customer Support for assistance with setup in Microsoft Teams.

Chức năng của ứng dụng

Khi bạn sử dụng, ứng dụng này
  • Có thể gửi dữ liệu qua Internet
  • Ứng dụng này có thể truy nhập thông tin cá nhân trên thư hiện hoạt, chẳng hạn như số điện thoại, địa chỉ bưu điện hoặc URL. Ứng dụng này có thể gửi dữ liệu đến một dịch vụ bên thứ ba. Không thể đọc hoặc sửa đổi các mục khác trong hộp thư của bạn.

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