ShipIntel Essentials

bởi Maritime Optima AS

(1 xếp loại)

ShipIntel essentials by Maritime Optima empowers ShipIntel users in Microsoft Teams.

ShipIntel is a flexible software for any company involved in maritime business. The Essential toolkit offers a suite of tools tailored to help you streamline your decision-making process, and let you focus on what matters most - making informed decisions for your business.

**Cross platform**

ShipIntel is accessible on both mobile and laptop platforms, providing a portable maritime office at your fingertips. Access the same information you are used to in Teams, Outlook or Microsoft 365.

**Flexible software**

Explore the free version of ShipIntel and customize your own software with the modules you need as you go.

**Team collaboration**

Guarantee everyone is on the same page; Easily create a central view of a ShipIntel module by adding a tab to a team or a channel, and ensure everyone stays informed and engaged.

**Live AIS Data**

Ensure you stay informed with high quality real-time processed AIS data presented in a very user-friendly way.

Find live positions, lat long, speed, navigational statuses, which ports the vessels came from and where they are heading and whether the vessels are laden or in ballast.

We receive raw AIS data from satellites, terrestrial senders, and dynamic AIS sources. We spent hours in meticulous mapping, cleaning, and processing the raw AIS data, making sure you get high quality AIS data.

**Vessel lists**

View vessel lists created in ShipIntel. Stay up to date on the same list by adding a tab to a team or a channel.

The ShipIntel Essentials Teams app is build for ShipIntel by Maritime Optima.

New to ShipIntel? [Sign up for free](

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