AIP to GP inc approvals/query resolution processes

bởi Engeneum

Automate processing of inbound supplier invoices,capture/validate/verify/load data to Dynamics GP

Engeneum - Microsoft Dynamics GP™ connector for Supplier Invoice Processing (DGP - Connect)
provides either a home working, or office based, end-to-end Supplier Invoice data capture & processing solution.
1.    Automated invoice data capture:
a.    Automatically load scanned paper invoices, e-mail attached invoices in many formats,
b.   Can handle any locations globally
2.    Classification of incoming documents
a.    Sorting all inbound documents e.g. statements, change of details, invoices, complaints & routing
b.    Process both purchase and payable invoices and credit notes
3.    Rules based verification and Validation
a.    Validate data automatically
b.    Verify supplier details, bank details, VAT information
4.    Customizable Invoice Approval Process
a.    Multi stage depending on value and type, or department
b.    2 or 3 way matching (Purchase Order, Invoice and Good receipt note), using 2-way GP integration
5.    Query Resolution Process
a.    Documents automatically routed to Purchase Order requester to begin investigation
b.    Uses a 2-way GP Integration
6.    Direct Purchase ledger payment
a.    Update using SmartConnect ™
b.    Output to other solutions e.g. reporting or analytics or BI
7.    Secure cloud storage
a.    Handle multiple invoice types with powerful search
b.    Automatic linkage between connected documents using Purchase order reference for example
8.    Automatic backup - All transactions, and documents are securely backed up in Azure
9.    Full Audit trail - A full audit of all workflow processes, and document transactions for compliance, and audit
Benefits and Savings:
1.    Improved consistency, all transactions are processed with the same rules irrespective of source, type, language, or location.
2.    Empowers your accounts team to control your accounts payable process through managed workflows with a full process audit
3.    Early payment discounts can be exploited
4.    Reduced manual input enabling Accounts Payable staff to concentrate on query resolution and not data entry
5.    Real time financial information available e.g. daily increase in indebtedness
6.    Intervention prior to payment to stop invalid or incorrect invoices entering the system

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