bởi Pioneers Information Technologies

Bank-BI is an advanced Enterprise-wide Business Intelligence and analytics solution empowered by AI

Bank-BI is an Enterprise-wide Business Intelligence and Analytics Solution that offers sophisticated capabilities for data modelling, reporting, query, analysis and Artificial Intelligence while collecting data from numerous disparate sources in a central repository. The solution provides a platform that supports end-to-end technology applications (Data Warehouse, Conventional and Islamic BI Modules, Analytical CRM, Profitability, Regulatory Compliance and Enterprise Risk Management, Financial Reporting Performance Management and Advanced Analytics), and serves the different layers within your bank.

Bank-BI Performance management solutions on cloud is designed by bankers for bankers with  KPI’s built specifically to give you full view over your bank’s performance empowered by various technologies such as machine learning, predictive AI, mobility and many other thing, to help you operate at the speed of light.

Having this solution you will be able to monitor the bank performance at any time anywhere, enabling the leadership of the bank to make decisions at the speed of light based on accurate real-time information that is update-ed on daily bases.

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