Prodware Rebate accelerator

作者 Prodware Group

Easily apply retrospective discounts across multiple contracts for suppliers and customers

Rebate accelerator for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain Management

If your manufacturing or distribution business deals with suppliers and customers with complex rebates rules within commercial agreements, during invoice processes, this can be difficult to administer.

If you want to offer your customers and suppliers discount rebates that take into account quantities or amounts and apply different percentage levels of discount, it can be complex to set up and automate in your system.

The supply chain expects the least amount of paperwork as possible, even with multiple contracts for the same supplier or customer – it would be beneficial to be able to generate one single invoice at the end of the financial period, taking into account the rebates you have agreed.

The Rebate accelerator helps with these challenges, removing the administrative block so your business is able to handle competitive commercial agreements with your supply chain.

Features of this app

  • Applies retrospective discounts via credit notes at the end of the period
  • Identifies different rebate contracts with different percentage levels
  • Dynamically generates provisions attached to financial transactions and contracts
  • Identifies invoices that fall within rebate contract frameworks

Next steps

If you would like to boost your Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain Management apps in this way, please review the materials on this page and contact Prodware to find out more.
