
作者 Medius

This add-on is developed for the purpose of data entry to our Variety Data Management tool in Excel.

This add-in is dependent on having an account with Medius Ag to gain access.

Login by entering the username and password and clicking the ‘Log in’ button.

The ‘Forgot your password?’ link will assist the user in resetting his/her password.

Clicking the ‘Don’t have a Medius VDM account? Sign up’ link will direct the user to their browser to our Create User page.

Once logged in, the user can now utilize the tabs to navigate the add-in and its features.

The ‘Get Trial Data’ tab directs the user to choosing the information in which they would like to load into Excel through the use of drop downs.

Once a trial is selected and the ‘Gather Fields’ button is clicked, the add-in will load the options of fields to select for download or the user has the choice to download all of the fields with the ‘Select All Fields’ checkbox.

After the fields are chosen, the user should click ‘Download Trial Data’ and the add-in will begin the process of creating the worksheets with the chosen data. If worksheets previously created by the add-in still exist, the add-in will prompt you to decide to replace the current worksheets with the ones you recently selected. You must either choose to replace the worksheets or keep the ones you currently have.

After the data is loaded, you will be directed to the ‘Manage Data’ tab where you have a few options (all correspond to the worksheet that is currently active) :

You may add a new sample for either a currently selected row or add a new sample for all varieties present.

You may add a new variety to the spreadsheet

If you are in a column labeled ‘Partner’ or ‘Partner Location’ and if the user has access to do so, a dropdown will pop-up in the add-in for the user to add in information for the cell that he/she is currently on.

The ‘Set Permissions’ tab simply allows the user to select a worksheet to lock or unlock. The ‘General’ sheet may never be unlocked.

The ‘Validate Data’ button at the bottom of the add-in will check to see if any errors exist in the spreadsheets.

If any errors do exist, the add-in will notify you and highlight the cells that are causing the errors. You must fix the errors and re-validate in order to proceed in the saving process.

When no errors exist, the ‘Validate Data’ button will become a ‘Send to VDM’ button. This is when you are able to save the data from the spreadsheet to the VDM itself.

The ‘Logout’ button simply logs you out of the add-in.


  • 可读取文档并对其作出更改
  • 可通过 Internet 发送数据
