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CENTURY is the AI-powered teaching and learning tool for schools and colleges.

CENTURY is an AI-powered online learning platform for English, Maths and Science. Schools who subscribe to CENTURY can sign-in via this app.

Only users who have an existing CENTURY subscription via their school, college or other educational institution are able to use this app. To learn more about CENTURY or to subscribe, visit. If you'd like to speak to a member of CENTURY team, visit Contact Us.

CENTURY combines artificial intelligence with the latest research in learning science and neuroscience. It creates constantly adapting personalised pathways for every student and powerful intervention data for teachers.

CENTURY works in three key ways:

CENTURY's artificial intelligence engine creates personalised learning pathways that plug gaps in knowledge and remedy misconceptions.

Easy-to-use data dashboards provide all the information a student needs to support their own learning and focuses on achievement and incentivising progress.

There are thousands of high-quality resources available, which might be studied in the classroom, as homework or for revision. Whilst you can let CENTURY do the work of figuring out what you should learn next, students can also be led by the teacher with customised assignments or new material.

The CENTURY app for Microsoft Teams is available for subscribed CENTURY users that are already using Microsoft apps. Onboarding is done for them in our platform and users will be able to login using Microsoft credentials.

Privacy Policy and Terms of Service can be seen in our website. Go to Privacy Policy for a PDF with a detailed Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.


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