
作者 Kofax Inc.

(1 评分)

Simplify access to SignDoc requests and take control of your documents

The SignDoc app for Microsoft Teams makes it convenient for users to receive signing invitations directly within Microsoft Teams. The app offers a notification-only bot feature for Kofax SignDoc installations that are configured to send signing invitation notifications via the Microsoft Teams Bot service. If your email address is registered for Microsoft Teams, you will receive these notifications within the app. Please note that this bot only sends you messages and does not allow for interaction.

As a signer, you are not required to have an account in SignDoc. Instead, you will receive notifications in the SignDoc Teams app chat, if the SignDoc installation is enabled to send notifications. The notifications include

* Signing invitations

* Information about the completion of a signing package

An active account in a SignDoc installation configured to send notifications to Microsoft Teams is required to be notified as a SignDoc user. As a SignDoc user, you will receive notifications about

* The completion status by a signer

* Notifications about the completion of a signing package

Please Contact Us for further assistance and to know more about our products.


  • 可通过 Internet 发送数据
  • 此应用可访问活动邮件中的个人信息,例如电话号码、邮寄地址或 URL。此应用可能会将此数据发送给第三方服务。无法读取或修改邮箱中的其他项目。
