TimeIt - Timesheet time tracking mobile application

作者 MIR Consulting Services Corporation

FREE Timesheet time tracking application for employees, along with manager approvals and invoice

TimeIt - a smart time management application for your employees to submit Timesheets

100% FREE mobile application for your first 10 users

Mobile application along with web console for administrators and reports

  • Employees can submit Timesheets easily from their mobile phones.
  • Managers can approve Timesheets from their mobile phones.
  • Contractors will get their invoices automatically for the pay period.
  • So that your finance staff can quickly process the payroll in no-time.
  • Owners no longer have to worry about time fraud or payroll loses because they know the submitters, approvers, work/projects/tasks where the time is spent.

(Do you know that, according to American Payroll Association, buddy punching time thefts account for 2.2% of the gross payroll!)

  • A web login for managers to pull time reports to check time spent by projects, tasks, activities and employees.

There are no limits to the number of projects, jobs/projects/tasks, shifts, employees using the application, and approvers approving timesheets.

Features that standalone:

  1. 100% FREE app - The application is absolutely free for the first 10 users. Get started right away!
  2. Easy to onboard - just send an invite to your employees and they are good to go in one click. Use the face logins so they don't have to remember passwords.
  3. An employee can be an Admin, Approver and still can submit timesheets. They can easily switch between profiles.
  4. Dashboard - Each employee has their own dashboard to see where are they spending time each week.
  5. Approval - Add one or more approvers by project or by employees.
  6. Shift management - Schedule shifts, set start and end times for each shift, assign Jobs/Projects to each shift and assign resources to each shift. Manage them on the fly from anywhere your work from your mobile phone.
  7. Business rules - Set your office timings, setup overtime rules by resources and projects.
  8. In app alerts - Your employees are alerted towards the end of the week to submit timesheets
  9. Notifications - Inform the employees when timesheets are approved, rejected for the employees to review and resubmit timesheets
