
作者 CAPcargo AG

Transport Management System, planning, driverapp, invoicing

The TransportManagementSystem for Logistic Service Providers, Transportation Companies and Forwarders with own and/or subcontracted fleet. Advanced TMS requirements are covered in the application for general cargo, LTL and FTL business with a focus on land and multimodal transportation. Order and tariff management, fleet planning (CAPcargo Graphical Planning Board), order execution and entire invoicing process are completely covered in the application. The TMS is addressed to midsized and larger organizations. The CAPcargo application allows transportation companies to work within the Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations ERP application. The TMS is addressed to order management and tariff clerks as well as planners and drivers. This is the ideal application for multi site organizations offering various services. The handling of the entire service stack in one application helps to keep an overview and optimize production and supply chain processes. The CAPcargo planning optimizer is the key for optimized truck planning. DriverApp and DepotApp for mobile devices. CustomerPortal. CarrierPortal
