XRM Security Audit

作者 Xrm Architects Limited

Easily identify the cause of every permission change in Dynamics 365

Are you struggling to detect permission changes in Dynamics?

That’s because the default auditing solution is unintuitive and requires lots of manual configuration before desired entities and events can be audited.

Do you wish there was a way to overcome these challenges?

There is. Security Audit is designed to make it easy to identify permission changes. It provides you with a more detailed view of activity in an easy-to-understand interface, reducing the time it takes to identify security issues.

Why use Security Audit?

You can use it to:

  • Identify privileges and depth of affected entities when a security role is modified
  • Quickly identify the person responsible for a change and the date
  • Consolidate lists of security events
  • Create dashboard and charting with Power BI
  • Create your own workflow that alerts you to security actions
  • Easily export data

Security Audit is available as a free solution with a 20-day audit history. We also offer a premium version of the solution with no restrictions and additional support, starting at £1,000.

After you have installed Security Audit, we will follow up with details on our premium solution and are happy to set up a free support call to discuss your options further.

Why work with us?

We specialise in providing RegTech solutions to financial services companies that seamlessly integrate within their Microsoft Dynamics 365 platforms for more efficient, cost-effective results. Security Audit is just one of a number of industry-leading regulatory security technologies we work with. Get in touch to discuss your data security requirements with us.

Other services we provide: ID verification and data security identification.
