Zendesk Support for Outlook

作者 Zendesk Inc

(1045 評分)

Create and escalate seamlessly any email to a ticket in Zendesk Support

There are times when an email meant to be for support was sent to you or you would need to take an email conversation and create a support ticket out of it to handle your customer’s concern more efficiently and also collaborate with support team members. Zendesk Support for Outlook integration let you do this seamlessly by enabling you to copy any existing email including its attachments and create a ticket in Zendesk Support.

With just a few clicks you can create a new ticket in Zendesk from any email. Have control over the ticket by setting its status, type and priority to get the right attention needed from your support agents.

You will be prompted to log-in or create a Zendesk account during the initial use of the add-in.


  • 可以在網際網路上傳送資料
  • 此應用程式可以讀取或修改您信箱中任何項目的內容,以及建立新的項目。其可以存取任何訊息或行事曆項目中的個人資訊,例如內文、主旨、寄件者或附件等等。其可能會將此資料傳送給第三方服務。
