BindTuning Digital Campus Experience

作者 Bind, Lda

Envision an engaging campus intranet that evokes the spirit of your institution.

Our award-winning products are a powerful boost to SharePoint out-of-the-box. Design beautiful, professionally branded and highly functional intranet sites without any coding. Create a digital space loaded with features that support the needs of users across your campus.

Design and build without limits.

Extend the look of your public website to your intranet site, bringing the same experience to your online campus. Even the most demanding UX requirements are easily attainable. No design skills are needed. Start with a professionally designed theme. Change every detail and customize everything using a simple dashboard design. Advanced coding is available as needed. Fulfill the most demanding needs and engage users with an intranet that is tailored to your school’s identity.

Don’t get boxed in

More powerful than out-of-the-box, more flexible than intranet-in-a-box. Craft the user experience with functionality that is way more than basic. Bring a rich, consumer-like experience to your workplace with social media feeds, videos, organized links, filters, colorful tiles, calendars and more. Leverage SharePoint and Office 365 with a fully native framework for intranet development. Integrate third-party tools with no restrictions.

  • Manage teaching schedules, faculty meetings and departmental activities in one single calendar,
  • Reduce email flow and increase productivity with news organized by department and daily alerts,
  • Easily find frequently used documents and templates,
  • Display staff and/or student directories with profile pictures for easier identification,

Easy to deploy, optimal governance and scalability

Deploy your digital campus in minutes. Eliminate the need to handle each intranet environment individually and free you teams from developer dependence. Scalable from one to endless site collections. Create an evergreen environment – effortlessly scale your deployment, maintain governance and manage updates.

Shaping the intranet experience

BindTuning is committed to Microsoft’s best practices and products are aligned to the latest releases for modern and classic SharePoint, online and on-premises. In use today at some of the world's highest education institutions..
