Brand Protection Service


Our managed service to identify and takedown impersonation domains that threaten your brand

For security-first organisations who need to protect their domain perimeter, SMX Brand Protection Service rapidly uncovers and takes down impersonation domains. 

Protect your domain perimeter

Brand Protection Service enables you to quickly shut down phishing sites, discover and secure legitimate domains that have been forgotten about, and defend your brand against abuse and reputational damage.

SMX’s Brand Protection Service helps keep you one step ahead of the attackers by providing near-real-time monitoring and response of fraudulent look-a-like domains. Delivered as a managed service, our team will implement and configure the platform and provide ongoing discovery, monitoring and take down of malicious domains, protecting your business, brand and users. 

Does your organisation need Brand Protection Service?

  • You want to protect your brand reputation and trust
  • You are at high risk of being targeted by bad actors who impersonate your brand to sell fake products or extort money from stakeholders
  • You have a large number of domains (including vanity/ parked domains) and spend time and resources manually managing them.
  • You have been a victim of impersonation of phishing in the past and want to ensure it never happens again.

Brand Protection Service: Identify and takedown impersonation domains and get continued visibility and support.

Brand Protection Service rapidly uncovers and takes down impersonation domains. However, it requires accurate configuration and ongoing monitoring to get the most value out of it. That’s where we come in.

  • We wrap managed services around Brand Protection Service to ensure you have continued visibility of malicious lookalike domains.
  • We will also execute the takedown service on your behalf.
  • Our team of security experts have experience in implementing Brand Protection Service and will work with you to understand your business, specific use cases and areas of risk. We will then put in place an implementation that aligns with these.

Talk to us about protecting your entire digital attack surface

At SMX, we're committed to providing world-class cybersecurity solutions. Through our Digital Resilience Portfolio, we help organisations address the greatest vulnerabilities across the complete attack surface, including email, domains, brand, and the network perimeter. Talk to us to learn more.
