VeriWord by Veriori

作者 Veriori S.A.

Digitally sign and stamp your MS Word file with Veriori VeriDoc System.

• VeriWord - Microsoft Word add-on for documents marking and signing. • VeriWord add ons is designed for Veriori VeriDoc users. Users can use plugin (MS Word add-on) directly from the Microsoft Word to digitally sign and mark documents with 2D code unique identifier. Once the add-on is used, the user will receive e-mail with hyperlink to marked and signed document. • The audience of the offer are Veriori System users who want to utilize VeriDoc directly from MS Word editor, instead of Veriori Web Application . In order to use the add-on it is necessary to have active account in Veriori VeriDoc system. Toorder Veriori VeriDoc account please contact . Supported Microsoft products – Microsoft Office 365 – Word . The MS Office 365 add-on - is free of charge and can be used only by registered Veriori customers.
