Zoho Sprints for Teams

avaldaja Zoho Corporation Private Limited

(156 hinnangut)

Planning and tracking tool for agile teams.

Zoho Sprints is a cloud-based agile project management software for Scrum teams. Teams can add user stories to their backlog, estimate and prioritize work items, plan upcoming sprints, and track progress on Scrum boards.

The Zoho Sprints integration for Microsoft Teams allows teams to plan and track their sprints from within Microsoft Teams. You can choose between configuring the 'Backlog' and the 'Board' tab for your projects.

Here are some of the highlights of the tabs:

Backlog Tab

  • Add work items to your project backlog or sprint backlog

  • Move work items between your project backlog and sprint backlog

  • Update the priority, estimation points for your work items

  • Convert work items into sub-items and vice versa

  • Search for work items within your project backlog.

Board Tab

  • Drag and drop work items to different status columns
  • Add new work items to an existing sprint
  • Switch between your active sprints
  • Visualize progress in swim lanes
  • Start and stop the timer for work items.

A valid Zoho Sprints account is required to use this extension. Please visit to sign up. We offer three pricing plans - Standard, Premium, and Enterprise. The standard plan starts from $10 per month for 12 users when billed annually. For more information on pricing and feature comparisons, visit

Note: Zoho sprints app has limited access in edge browser.

Exclusive COVID-19 assistance for Microsoft customers: Sign up before July 31 and get Zoho Wallet credits worth US $500 valid for 60 days. The wallet credits can be used for the purchase of Zoho Projects, any other Zoho apps or for edition upgrades.


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