White List

oleh Sii Sp. z o.o.

VAT Taxpayer Whitelist: Your Contractor Verification Tool Biała Lista

When running a business, you have to be sure that you act in accordance with the regulations and that your contractors are fully reliable and transparent partners. Before you make a bank transfer, you must be able to verify their bank accounts.

The modification provides the ability to verify bank accounts assigned to suppliers in an individual and aggregate base. Current information about verification status is displayed in the bank account form for the supplier. 

Ability to verify bank accounts for payment transactions from the payment spreadsheet is second key functionality of modification. Current information is displayed on the payment sheet form. 

The functionality supports online verification, where the query is sent directly to the ministry's interface, and the flat file method. In the case of the flat file method, it is necessary to download the file from the ministry's website and then import the data into the database. Due to online interface limitations in case of large number of queries, the suggested verification method is a flat file. 
