
作成者: SimpliContract Technologies Pvt Ltd

Allows users to make changes to contracts on the SimpliContract platform

The SimpliDraft add-in bestows the MS Word application with some of the CLM functionality. It adds in features like the Clause library with configurable primary, fallback and alternate clauses. These clauses can be populated into the contract, either to replace existing clauses or as an addition to the contract. Changes to the contents of the contract can also be made using MS Word. The add-in facilitates direct saving of these changes to the SimpliContract CLM platform.

The add-in is designed for enterprise users who work with contracts and use the SimpliContract system, such as legal departments, procurement teams, sales teams, and finance teams. The add-in is especially useful for those who have their contracts in Word form. It allows them to easily make changes and review the clauses within the contract.

Key Features

  • Shows Clauses within the contract.
  • Access to the organization's complete clause library.
  • Configurable primary and fallback clauses.
  • Direct saving of changes to the SimpliContract platform.
  • Changes made can be compared to the original contract using the version compare feature on the platform.

This add-in is an Enterprise add-in and cannot be acquired by individual users. Using the SimpliDraft add-in requires your organization to have signed up for SimpiContract CLM platform. To know more about SimpliContract and CLM kindly visit


  • ドキュメントの読み取りと変更を行うことができます
  • インターネット経由でデータを送信できます
