
作成者: SimpliContract Technologies Pvt Ltd

Link emails and attachments to contracts within the SimpliContract CLM platform

The SimpliLink add-in enables easy addition of important email correspondence and email attachments to relevant contracts within the SimpliContract CLM platform, enabling better management of contract documents and tracking of their development history. With SimpliLink, users can quickly and easily add important email correspondence and associated attachments to the relevant contracts in the CLM platform, allowing them to better manage their contract documents and track the history of the contract's development. 

This Office add-in is designed for professionals who work with contracts and use the SimpliContract CLM system, such as legal departments, procurement teams, sales teams, and finance teams. It is especially useful for those who frequently correspond with other parties via email during the contract negotiation process, as it allows them to easily attach relevant emails and attachments to the corresponding contract document. 

Why SimpliLink

  • Seamless linking of emails and attachments to relevant contracts.
  • Access to all contract related documentation in one place.
  • Enhanced transparency and accountability, as all parties involved in the contract negotiation process can easily see the email correspondence that led to the final contract terms.
  • Integration with Google Workspace makes it easy to use for those already familiar with the platform, and its user-friendly interface ensures a smooth experience for users of all skill levels.

This add-in is an Enterprise add-in and cannot be acquired by individual users. Using the SimpliLink add-in requires your organization to have signed up for SimpiContract CLM platform. To know more about subscribing to SimpliContract and CLM kindly visit


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