Trivia Games and Watercooler

Видавець: Springworks HR Tech

(102 оцінки)

Fun Online Games, Online Pictionary, VirtualCoffee, and Virtual Water Cooler. All in one place.

Increase employee engagement by up to 50% with Trivia's fun games, icebreakers, and VirtualCoffee sessions! 🎉

Foster connections, camaraderie, and collaboration directly inside Microsoft Teams. Play games asynchronously, spark conversations, and build a happier, more engaged team. 🤝

In short, Trivia helps you:

🎯 Increase Employee engagement

🙋 Build team bonds with fun games

💪 Foster an amazing team culture

🙌 Build happier, engaged teams

🎯 Increase productivity and employee retention

Now the longer version… What makes Trivia unique? 🎁

✌️ Catch up with your team over Quizzes, Puzzles, and Pictionary

Trivia provides a quick 5-minute break from your regular workday. And everything happens in real-time, meaning your team gets together to play it! In fact, Trivia is more about casual banter, friendly conversations, and the discussions it brings to your table. That's the whole point of playing it, isn’t it?

Features in Trivia:

⁉️ Instant Quizzes

🖼️ Pictionary

⚒️ Custom Quizzes

🖼️ Image Quizzes

📈 UnPopular Opinions

📊 Custom Polls

💡 Gotcha!

🧩 Word Puzzles

🙌 Know Your Team

☕️ VirtualCoffee

⏰ Self-paced Quiz - Async quiz with a 24 hour timeline

🚰 Connect around the Virtual Water Cooler

The chance meetings you used to have in your office? Those random chats grabbing a cup of coffee or donut with a person from the sales team? And the casual talks helping a new hire to settle and adapt? If you feel your team is missing out on these, our Virtual Water Cooler is for you.

Open up lines of communication, foster long-lasting relationships, and build a sense of togetherness amongst your team. Make peer introductions, encourage virtual coffees, or break the ice by posting random topics to kick-start discussions.

📆 Auto-schedule happy hours

Simply add Trivia to a channel to host virtual happy hours, Trivia Tuesdays, or TGIFs. Our bot takes care of the rest - from notifications to announcing winners.

🙌 Know Your Team - outside of work

Discover who likes their tea hot and coffee cold! Know Your Team records responses on personal interests & automates quizzes about each other among teammates. Allows employees to discover peers with common interests and strengthen relationships outside work.

☕️ Introduce teammates with VirtualCoffee

Miss bonding with peers over a cup of your favorite brew? Say hi to :coffee: VirtualCoffee! VirtualCoffee automatically pairs and introduces colleagues and prompts them to get to know each other better and form meaningful connections beyond work.

By the numbers:

No. of players - 600,000+

No. of organizations - 40,000+

70+ countries

Top features teams love Trivia for:

🎮 Fun, easy, and quick to launch quizzes, puzzles, and more

🚰 Virtual Water Cooler to connect teammates serendipitously and encourage conversation

✏️ Custom Quiz - Create your own set of Q&A and launch them inside Teams

📆 Schedule a Trivia and automate team breaks

❄️ Break the ice with Peer Introductions via channels or DMs with VirtualCoffee

💬 Get to know your peers better with Know Your Team

📊 Detailed reports on team building activities

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