Dropbox Sign for Word

Видавець: Dropbox Inc.

(3 оцінки)

A legally binding, secure, efficient solution for signing documents from Microsoft Word

Efficiently send and sign any Microsoft Word document with legally binding electronic signatures from Dropbox Sign.

With Dropbox Sign for Microsoft Word, you can speed up your workflow with secure, legally binding eSignatures. Simply use the integration to sign and send the document you’re working on for signature, without ever leaving Microsoft Word.

This add-in is free to download and is compatible with a free Dropbox Sign account, which provides you with 3 free signature requests per month. After using your free signature requests, you can visit to find the best Dropbox Sign plan for you.

Dropbox Sign for Microsoft Word helps you create a seamless document and eSignature workflow by prioritizing efficiency and security.

- Save time & work faster: Efficiently sign & send signature requests directly from Microsoft Word, without switching tabs or creating new accounts.

- Protect your documents: Dropbox Sign employs cutting-edge security to keep your important documents safe. Audit trails are affixed to each signature request to ensure every action is thoroughly tracked and time-stamped, providing proof of document access, review, and signature.

- Legally binding signatures: Each Dropbox Sign signature is legally binding, so you can have all the benefits of pen and paper without any of the hassle.

- Easy installation: Start the eSignature flow by clicking “Dropbox Sign” in the Microsoft ribbon to “Self-Sign” or “Request a Signature.” Quickly assign signers, prep your document with signature fields and send it off for signature, all without leaving Microsoft Word.

Compatibility Information:

Dropbox Sign for Word is supported for Microsoft Word Online, Microsoft Word on Mac, and Microsoft Word on Windows.

Dropbox Sign for Word is not supported on Internet Explorer 11, and older versions of Microsoft Word. See compatibility information here:

Add-in capabilities

When this add-in is used, it

- Can read and make changes to your document

- Can send data over the Internet

Можливості програми

Коли ця програма використовується, вона
  • читати документ і вносити в нього зміни
  • надсилати дані через Інтернет

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