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Infographic DesignerMicrosoft CorporationBeautify your reports with easy-to-create infographics
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Power BI visuals
1 out of 60
ChartExpo™ for Excelpolyvista.comSelect a chart, select your data, and create Insightful charts without hardwork!
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2 out of 60
Circle KPI GaugePaypal_ITAA circle KPI gauge that can change color base on predefined rule.
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Power BI visuals
3 out of 60
Microsoft Dynamics Office Add-inMicrosoft CorporationThe Microsoft Dynamics Office Add-in enables data connections to Microsoft Dynamics systems.
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4 out of 60
AutopilotSmart Barn TechnologiesFREE AI ChatGPT in Microsoft Office that is superior to Copilot.
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5 out of 60
Map by SquillionSquillion Technology Private LimitedElevate your data storytelling with engaging maps that highlight key insights
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Power BI visuals
6 out of 60
Meeting Summaries from Read AIRead AI, Inc.AI-generated meeting summaries and transcripts from Read AI
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7 out of 60
Play Axis (Dynamic Slicer)mprozilWorking like a dynamic slicer, it animates your other power bi visuals without any user interaction.
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Power BI visuals
8 out of 60
ScrollerFredrik HedenströmYour data gets visualized as an animating scrolling text.
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Power BI visuals
9 out of 60
Power BI Release PlanMicrosoft CorporationWith each release, Power BI adds features to help organizations accelerate the delivery of insights.
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Power BI apps
10 out of 60
Box and Whisker chart by MAQ SoftwareMAQ LLCEfficiently analyze and compare data distributions | Power BI Certified
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Power BI visuals
11 out of 60
Calendar by MAQ SoftwareMAQ LLCStreamline event tracking in Power BI | Power BI Certified
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Power BI visuals
12 out of 60
HeatmapWeiwei CuiVisualize the density of data points as a heatmap.
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Power BI visuals
13 out of 60
WorkdayWorkdayAdd Workday to Microsoft Teams to enable a friction-free HR and Finance experience
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14 out of 60
Deneb: Declarative Visualization in Power BIDaniel Marsh-PatrickUse the powerful Vega or Vega-Lite languages to create custom visuals directly inside Power BI
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Power BI visuals
15 out of 60
Histogram Chart (Standard)PBIVizEdit.comPlot the distribution with bin size based on your need
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Power BI visuals
16 out of 60
QR4OfficeMichael A. ZlatkovskyA first-of-its-kind QR-generator that integrates seamlessly into your Office documents.
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17 out of 60
Filter by PowervizTRUVIZ INC(100% Free) Advanced Filter with Default Selection, Hierarchy Control, Image Styling, Themes, etc...
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Power BI visuals
18 out of 60
Tornado chartMicrosoft CorporationComparing the relative importance of variables between two groups
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Power BI visuals
19 out of 60
Microsoft 365 Copilot for Finance for Microsoft Excel (Preview)Microsoft CorporationMicrosoft 365 Copilot for Finance is the next-generation AI assistant for finance professionals.
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20 out of 60
Slack for OutlookSlack TechnologiesSend emails into Slack
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21 out of 60
Cisco Webex SchedulerCisco WebexSchedule, start, and join Cisco Webex meetings and Personal Room meetings.
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22 out of 60
AhaSlides - Live Polls & QuizzesAhaSlidesAhaSlides is a tool to help you build interactive presentations that engage & excite your audiences.
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23 out of 60
Icon Map ProTekantisAdvanced geospatial analytics made simple with Icon Map Pro for Microsoft Power BI
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Power BI visuals
24 out of 60
Document CustomizerAbakionCustomize, layout and translate 26 documents in only minutes. Report designer + Template report pack
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Business Central
25 out of 60
Master Data InformationAbakionThe simple way to create custom fields and do master data management and PIM without customization
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Business Central
26 out of 60
Gantt Chart - xVizxViz LLC dba LumelProject management chart to monitor timeline, tasks, roadmaps, milestones, dependencies, resources!
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Power BI visuals
27 out of 60
SunburstMicrosoft CorporationMultilevel donut chart for effectively visualizing hierarchical data
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Power BI visuals
28 out of 60
QuillBotKeuji CoSave time and immediately improve your writing with QuillBot’s Paraphrasing and Summarizing Tool.
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29 out of 60
Gantt TimelineStratadaVisualize work plans with the Stratada Timeline: timeline & baseline bars, milestone icons and text
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Power BI visuals
30 out of 60
Jira Cloud for ExcelAtlassian.comExport Jira data to Excel - Combine the power of Jira with the flexibility of Excel
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31 out of 60
AnacondaToolboxAnaconda, IncAnaconda Toolbox for Python in Excel
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32 out of 60
AI-aided Formula EditorMatrix LeadGPT-4-powered AI features like formula generation and explanation built-in a modern Formula Editor.
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33 out of 60
Animated Bar Chart RaceWishyoulizationCreate fascinating animated trend charts, with bars that race to the top based on ranks.
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Power BI visuals
34 out of 60
Power KPIMicrosoft CorporationA powerful KPI Indicator with multi-line chart and labels for current date, value and variances.
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Power BI visuals
35 out of 60
Bullet Chart by OKVIZOKVIZ Corp.Shows the value of a measure in a tiny space, with a ton of context information.
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Power BI visuals
36 out of 60
Flow mapWeiwei CuiFlow-style visualization that depicts movements of objects among geo-locations
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Power BI visuals
37 out of 60
BoomerangBaydin Inc.#1 meeting scheduling and email productivity tool. Inbox calendar scheduling and email management.
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38 out of 60
Bullet ChartMicrosoft CorporationA bar chart with extra visual elements to provide additional context. Useful for tracking goals
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Power BI visuals
39 out of 60
XLMiner Analysis ToolPakFrontline Systems Inc.Statistical analysis in Excel Online, with functions matching the Analysis ToolPak in desktop Excel.
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40 out of 60
Data Recovery ToolBLR ToolsBest Data Recovery Tool to Recover Lost Data, Formatted Data drive SSD, HDD, Pen Drive and SD card
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41 out of 60
Data Access - API data integrationAbakionManaged API integration for Business Central - to connect Power BI or any third-party solution
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Business Central
42 out of 60
Dial GaugeCloudFronts TechnologiesDial Gauge allows you to define various ranges in the dial along with pointer value.
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Power BI visuals
43 out of 60
Adobe Acrobat for Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPointAdobe Inc.Do more with enterprise PDF tools, built right into your favorite Microsoft 365 apps.
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44 out of 60
Mailtrack for Outlook by MailsuiteMailtrack.ioEmail tracker for Outlook. Free and unlimited email tracking.
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45 out of 60
Trello for TeamsAtlassian.comTrello for Microsoft lets you work more collaboratively and get more done.
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Office app
46 out of 60
BookingsMicrosoft CorporationA simpler way to organize schedules and manage appointments.
Applicable to:
Office app
47 out of 60
Table HeatmapMicrosoft CorporationCompare data easily and intuitively using colors in a table
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Power BI visuals
48 out of 60
HeyGenSurreal Technology Inc.The best AI video generation platform for your team
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49 out of 60
Zebra BI ChartsZebra BIOne visual, many charts. Waterfall, variance, column, area, line, dot, combo… in small multiples!
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Power BI visuals
50 out of 60
Synoptic Panel by OKVizOKVIZ Corp.Displays custom maps with areas that directly reflect your data
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Power BI visuals
51 out of 60
Exclaimer Cloud for OutlookExclaimer LimitedOutlook Add-In: Create and centrally manage professional email signatures for all users on M365
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52 out of 60
draw.ioJGraph LtdEnable visual collaboration on simple sketches and complex diagrams in Microsoft Teams
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53 out of 60
Simple WaterfallDATANOMY TECHNOLOGIES LIMITEDDefine waterfall pillars | Advance Formatting | Fully customisable | Drillable |
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Power BI visuals
54 out of 60
Smart Filter by OKVizOKVIZ Corp.Searches and filters your data.
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Power BI visuals
55 out of 60
People GraphMicrosoft CorporationTransform cold data into a cool picture.
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56 out of 60
Duden-Mentor-TextprüfungCornelsen Verlag GmbH.Der Duden-Mentor verbessert Rechtschreibung, Grammatik, Zeichensetzung und Stil in Ihren Texten.
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57 out of 60
Water CupDaniel Szentimrey-HarrachNiche visual for infographics comparing items across up to 4 dimensions.
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Power BI visuals
58 out of 60
Sankey Diagram for Power BI by ChartExpopolyvista.comFind out why 300,000+ users love ChartExpo. Experience the ChartExpo Sankey Diagram Difference.
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Power BI visuals
59 out of 60
Sankey DiagramVisioChartVisualize your complex data flow patterns with Power BI's Sankey Diagram by VisioChart
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Power BI visuals
60 out of 60