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Všechny výsledky
AzureIoT-BACnet-iNodeIoTiumDrop-ship, plug&play enabler for any BACnet-IP device to connect securely to Azure IoT in minutes.
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1 out of 60
ABB Ability™ Condition Monitoring for powertrainsABBSuite of solutions - from devices, software to services for motors, drives, pumps, mounted bearings
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2 out of 60
ABB Ability™ E-Mobility: EV InfrastructureABBABB is championing e-mobility for a sustainable future, smart, reliable, and emission-free
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3 out of 60
SIMetricConnected AnalyticsSIM IoT Management Platform, Cross Carrier, Cross Platform
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4 out of 60
ABB Ability™ for Smart BuildingsABBSmarter buildings, smarter homes, smarter mobility - creating the future with ABB Ability™
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5 out of 60
Adastra IoT PlatformADASTRA Comprehensive IoT solution with the flexibility for customizations according to customer's needs.
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6 out of 60
DeviceTone IoT for Connected Field ServiceProdware GroupTransform your products into “smart” devices with easy IoT for modern maintenance
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7 out of 60
Akenza IoT PlatformAkenza AGAkenza is the IoT platform, allowing you to build smart solutions with value.
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8 out of 60
HIQRobotina dooManaging Smart buildings over Azure
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9 out of 60
Smart Building IoT IntegrationSigtree TechnologiesSmart IoT Platform focused on automation and trigger management
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10 out of 60
Smart BuildingAvnet Inc.Avnet's Smart Building solution makes buildings more intelligent than ever before.
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11 out of 60
NB-IoT Smart Parking SensorIntelliport Systems Kft.NB-IoT smart parking sensor providing real-time free/occupied information
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12 out of 60
logicloudECFY Consulting Pvt LtdLogiCloud is a cloud based platform pre-connected to over 50 logistics service provider’s APIs to pr
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13 out of 60
ABB Ability™ Drives for HVACABBSmart motion solutions for comfort control and higher HVACR system efficiency
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14 out of 60
SafeWorkPro Safety Management - Big and SmallSafeWorkPro Pty LtdPhone app - Live Data - Keep your crew safe
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15 out of 60
Wireless mesh technology for IoT devicesLumenRadio ABLow power and reliable wireless mesh technology for your most business critical IoT products
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16 out of 60
OpenBlue CompanionJohnson ControlsOccupant facing mobile application for smart buildings: Amazing Experiences and Smarter Spaces
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17 out of 60
SmatiHXPERIENCESmart Building solution providing a comprehensive view of the operational performance and uses
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18 out of 60
Microshare Smart Predictive CleaningMicroshare, Inc.Reduce infection risk, cut operational costs and improve customer experience with data
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Personnel Tracking & Construction Worker SafetyMesh SystemsSimplifying the monitoring of contractors and equipment across large worksites
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20 out of 60
Connected Rental EquipmentMesh SystemsOptimize rental fleet profitability with IoT location tracking and telematics
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21 out of 60
ThoughtWireOS for Smart BuildingsThoughtWire CorpThoughtWireOS an Operating System for Smart Buildings powered by a fast and flexible Digital Twin
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22 out of 60
tedee App smart lock managerPredicaForget keys. Unlock and lock your door with a single tap on any smartphone thank to tedee app
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23 out of 60
Digital Twin Starter PackDigital Twinning AustraliaLooking to solve a critical asset problem? Start small and scale with the digital twin starter pack.
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24 out of 60
RxWell by RXRRXR RealtyRxWell is a comprehensive, public health-based, data-driven program for workplaces in the COVID era.
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25 out of 60
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26 out of 60
75F75F75F uses smart sensors and controls to make commercial buildings healthier and more efficient.
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27 out of 60
bGrid Smart BuildingsbGridbGrid is built to adapt. Unlock your building data through a flexible & open API.
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28 out of 60
EM.Connect - RetailEnergy Metrics LLCMake your retail spaces efficient & save costs on Energy, Visits, Maintenance with good Air-Quality
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29 out of 60
SMProg SaaSSOLUCIONES INFORMATICAS DEL ECUADOR S.A.Sistema de Mantenimiento Programado SMProg
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30 out of 60
Temeda - Industrial IoTTemedaTemeda integrates IoT data from remote industrial assets to improve your bottom line.
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31 out of 60
Wave PlatformSMART BUILDING ENERGIESTurn your building into a Smart Building thanks to WavePlatform
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32 out of 60
SmartVizSmartViz Ltd.Digital Twin Platform to Boost Building Performance and User Experience
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33 out of 60
Oysta Lone WorkerOysta TechnologyOysta Devices and Sensors provide monitoring and alerting to keep Lone Workers safe
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34 out of 60
EcoStruxure Facility ExpertSchneider ElectricSoftware to optimize operations, monitor energy consumption & control HVAC equipment in buildings
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35 out of 60
Logicalis - EugenioPTLS Serviços de Tecn. e Assessoria Técnica Ltda.EUGENIO is a hardware and software platform that accelerates the implementation of IoT solutions
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36 out of 60
CHASE大云環保平台 CHASE Waste management SaaS platform大云永續科技股份有限公司整合AIoT技術與環保產業聯盟,為企業客戶提供智慧環保一站式事業廢棄物清理解決方案
Chase provides a one-stop environmental service solution.
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37 out of 60
UST NaviSafe™UST GlobalUST NaviSafe™ - for Workplace Safety, Risk, and Efficiency Management
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38 out of 60
Connected Heavy MachineryEquiprise Corporation Pty LtdImprove operational safety and utilisation of your plants with connected heavy machinery solution.
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39 out of 60
Vecos | The Smart Locker SystemVecos Europe B.V.The smart locker system for the hybrid workplace
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40 out of 60
Teams 기반 스마트워크플레이스 구축JUSHINAVTThis application is available only in Korean. 팀즈 기반 회의실 환경 구축을 위한 컨설팅, 환경 구성, 하드웨어 설치 및 모니터링, 관리
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Parker Mobile IoTParker Hannifin CorporationParker Mobile IoT is the next generation equipment and hydraulic monitoring cloud-based solution.
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42 out of 60
Cegeka Capacity Smart ParkingCegeka NVEnabling customers to turn their existing parking assets into a smart mobility hub
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43 out of 60
Nuuka ConnectNuukaOpen platform to bring your buildings to cloud-age
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44 out of 60
RelabProperty Portal LimitedProperty data and insights for real estate professionals
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45 out of 60
Parkl Office - digital office building managementParkl Digital TechnologiesDigital solutions for the management and optimisation of parking operation at office buildings
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46 out of 60
DZ Connect 智慧管理系統達易智造股份有限公司簡單轉型數位工廠,打造工業4.0基礎
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47 out of 60
XcareBoT V2.0NEXAIOT CO., LTD.Notification Bot for Factory Alarms
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48 out of 60
Ynomia Connected Jobsite (MS Marketplace)Ynomia Pty LtdAccurate, reliable and automated construction data in real-time.
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49 out of 60
SiteInsightGraymatics Inc.CCTV based Video Analytics for Smart Buildings
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50 out of 60
Percee - System Inteligentnego Zarządzania EnergiąSolwena Sp. z o.o.percee - SOLWENA Innowacyjny system do Zarządzania Energią w obiektach - system klasy BEMS
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51 out of 60
Moata Smart EnergyMott MacDonald LimitedMott MacDonald’s suite of solutions to optimise performance and maximise returns from renewables
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52 out of 60
Trendspek | Precision Asset IntelligenceTrendspekTrue-to-life 3D reality twins for remote inspection, planning and reporting
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53 out of 60
DZ Connect _ Smart Management達易智造股份有限公司Towards a Better Tomorrow. Realizing Your Smart Factory Dream.
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54 out of 60
MetrikusMETRIKUS LIMITEDWe aggregate and normalize building data making it easier for you to access and use.
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55 out of 60
IOT DataLake for SmartBuildingIT Channel (Asia) LimitedIT Channel Building IOT Solution: Smart buildings simplified
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56 out of 60
Cymetrics SaaS platform - Cyber AssessmentONEDEGREE GLOBAL (SG) PTE. LTD. , Taiwan BranchEnhance your cybersecurity resilience with Cymetrics 360° cybersecurity assessment & Copilot
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57 out of 60
Nantum OSPrescriptive Data, Inc.Manage, Optimize, & Automate Real Estate Operations
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58 out of 60
Sharks for IAdeaViewTailsBooking for Outlook
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59 out of 60
AX Vision Framework - Object DetectionIndustrie Reply GmbHBest AI and Camera based GTE / Dolly / ULD / Freight management solution for Airports
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60 out of 60